Using multi-metric modeling, field surveys, and online spatial tools to support conservation and management for flood resilience, water quality, and native species habitat

Title: Using multi-metric modeling, field surveys, and online spatial tools to support conservation and management for flood resilience, water quality, and native species habitat
Author: Amy K. Conley, Timothy G. Howard, Laura J. Shappell, Erin L. White
Publication Year: 2023
Number of Pages in Article: 139
Keywords: LCBP Technical Report
Journal/Publication: Lake Champlain Basin Program
Publication Type: Technical and Demonstration

Conley, Amy K., Howard, Timothy G., Shappell, Laura J., and White, Erin L., New York Natural Heritage Program, (2023). Using multi-metric modeling, field surveys, and online spatial tools to support conservation and management for flood resilience, water quality, and native species habitat. Technical Report # 106, Grand Isle, VT. Lake Champlain Basin Program.

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This project aimed to develop assessment tools that support wetland and riparian management and stewardship to improve flood resiliency, water quality, and habitat for native species in the New York State (NYS) portion of the Lake Champlain Basin. The primary objective was to produce a comprehensive wetland and stream assessment dataset available through an interactive online mapping tool to increase the effectiveness of conservation decision-making in the basin. Our strategy included synthesizing scientific information about streams and wetlands and validating this information with field surveys in both systems. This project spanned from January 2021 to January 2023 and was funded by an agreement awarded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to NEIWPCC in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

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