Quantifying the De-icing Salt Pollution Load to Mirror Lake and the Chubb River

Title: Quantifying the De-icing Salt Pollution Load to Mirror Lake and the Chubb River
Author: Brendan Wiltse
Publication Year: 2023
Number of Pages in Article: 42
Keywords: LCBP Technical Report
Journal/Publication: Lake Champlain Basin Program
Publication Type: Technical and Demonstration

Brendan Wiltse, Paul Smith’s College Adirondack Watershed Institute, (2023). Quantifying the De-icing Salt Pollution Load to Mirror Lake and the Chubb River. Technical Report # 107, Grand Isle, VT. Lake Champlain Basin Program.

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De-icing salt is an important regional pollutant identified as a contaminant of concern in the Lake Champlain Basin Program’s (LCBP) Opportunities for Action. It is of particular concern in areas of dense urban development where runoff from roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways can contain high concentrations of salt. This is true for Mirror Lake and the Chubb River, located in the headwaters of the West Branch Ausable River subwatershed. In the case of Mirror Lake, direct stormwater discharge to the lake has resulted in a reduction in spring mixing due to salt-induced density differences within the water column. The primary objectives of this three-year LCBP-funded project were to 1) establish a continuous water quality monitoring program capable of quantifying de-icing salt pollutant load to Mirror Lake and the Chubb River, 2) estimate the de-icing salt pollutant load to Mirror Lake from direct stormwater runoff, 3) estimate the total amount of de-icing salt applied within the Chubb River watershed, and 4) educate the public about the effects of de-icing salt on the environment and BMPs for de-icing salt reduction.

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