The Best River Ever: A Conservation Plan to Protect and Restore Vermont’s Beautiful Mad River Watershed, LCBP Demonstration Report #7

Title: The Best River Ever: A Conservation Plan to Protect and Restore Vermont’s Beautiful Mad River Watershed, LCBP Demonstration Report #7
Author: Mad River Valley Planning District and Friends of the Mad River
Publication Year: 1995
Number of Pages in Article: 188
Journal/Publication: Lake Champlain Basin Program
Publication Type: Technical and Demonstration

Three public forums crafted dream goals for the river: drinkable water, stable stream banks, healthy ecosystems, good fishing, scenic beauty, and limited development offering seclusion. The report identified three major problems in the lower reaches of the river: stream banks with little cover, agricultural land too close to the river, elevated water temperatures.  The report recommended the following actions:  monitor the health of the river; develop education programs; control erosion and sedimentation; revegetate stream banks; improve and protect water quality; improve access and recreational opportunities; promote planning efforts and necessary legislation.

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