On July 1, 2010, Vermont’s 22-year-old invasive species transport law prohibiting the movement of important aquatic invasive species changed. Previously, the law prohibited the transport of the invasive plants Eurasian watermilfoil and water chestnut. With the change, the law now prohibits the transport of all aquatic plants or aquatic plant parts on the outside of a vehicle boat, personal watercraft, trailer, or other equipment.
In 2008 baitfish regulations went into effect to prevent the movement of bait (purchased or wild caught) from one body of water to another. The new regulations were enacted in response to the discovery of viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS), an invasive pathogen, in Lake Ontario in 2005. VHS is a fish disease that has caused significant sportfish kills. The disease spread rapidly throughout the Great Lakes and into other inland water bodies. Revisions to the baitfish regulations go into effect in February 2013.
The Agency of Agriculture passed the Noxious Weed Quarantine Rule in 2002 that regulates the importation, movement, sale, posession, cultivation and/or distribution of certain invasive plants. Noxious weeds are plants in any stage of development, including parasitic plants whose presence whether direct or indirect, is detrimental to the environment, crops or other desirable plants,livestock, land, or other property, or is injurious to the public health.
New York does not have a state wide aquatic plant transport law. A number of counties and towns, including Warren County in the southern part of the Basin, have passed their own transport laws. New York does have a law that prohibits the transport of water chestnut (or the seeds or nuts), and baitfish regulations that restrict the use of personally collected baitfish to the waters where they are collected from and prohibit their transport from these waters. Only 21 species of fish may now be sold for bait in New York. Except for baitfish sold for use on the same water they were collected from, all baitfish must also be certified to be disease free. Certified disease free baitfish are the only form of live baitfish that may be transported overland without a DEC permit, and these fish must be used within 10 days of purchase.
In July 2012 Governor Cuomo signed legislation (S06826A) that requires the Department of Environmental Conservation, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Markets, to restrict the sale, purchase, possession, introduction, importation and transport of invasive species. Working in consultation with the Invasive Species Council, the state agencies would develop regulations dealing with the disposal and control of invasives, including a list of prohibited species that would be illegal to knowingly possess with the intent to sell, import, purchase or transport. The law goes into effect 180 days after signature.
The Government of Québec enforces the federal fishing regulations under the Fisheries Act which controls the transportation, possession, and use of baitfish. A by-law controls the buying, selling, importation, transport, and stocking of all fish species, alive or dead, was amended in 2012 to include aquaculture and the sale of fish.
Québec does not have any regulations for plants.