While it sometimes may seem that the actions of one person will not make much difference, the little things we do each each day—the little decisions we make—can collectively have a huge impact in improving the quality of our environment. Don’t have the time to volunteer or join a local watershed group? Explore here for actions that you can take as part of your everyday routine.
Most lawns in the Northeast have enough phosphorus (P). Use phosphorus-free fertilizer to help reduce cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Champlain!
Learn how to slow the flow
Landowners can help safeguard drinking water, prevent pollution and protect vital land by maintaining healthy buffers of native plants along rivers and streams.
Learn how to be Stream Wise
You can Slow, Spread, and Soak stormwater runoff to help protect local water bodies and roads. Local organizations can help by assessing your property.
Learn how to reduce stormwater runoff from your property
Longer grass can improve the health of your soil and your lawn. It also helps improve the health of our waterways, including Lake Champlain.
Learn more about Raise the Blade
By planting vegetation on lakeshores and removing sea walls, you can help to keep Lake Champlain clean and improve habitat in the lake.
Learn how to be Lake Wise
Preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species starts with you. Clean, Drain, Dry greatly minimizes the risk of spreading Aquatic Hitchhikers into new locations.
Learn how to Clean, Drain, Dry